Sound Guidance for this “Uncertain Journey”

Symbolically linking the passage that a person with dementia travels (along with his/her dementia caregiver) to Neil de Grasse Tyson’s description in the series Cosmos, of his dog walking along a beach going back and forth but always proceeding in one direction, the authors of Alzheimer’s The Uncertain Journey: Navigating the Challenges set the stage for the significant trials with which the book hopes to assist. The authors call the act of caring for a person with Alzheimer’s disease “a noble and heroic journey.”

This is the second book by these authors (Despres, Slowik, Greenwood, and Isaacs), who also published The Stranger You Love, which we have reviewed on this site. And, like the first, we enthusiastically recommend this book to dementia caregivers as an important resource. There are certainly many different books for dementia caregivers featuring stories, tools, advice, and resources. However, not every one is as comprehensive and formatted in such a way as to specifically cater to the unique needs of caregivers. Let us call out four reasons this book is one to keep nearby throughout the dementia “journey.”

Clear Definitions Backed by Data

For those who are new to the dementia caregiving journey, the common definitions and statistical data that are provided as a strong foundation in the beginning of the book, are a great place to start your research into this new diagnosis given to your loved one (and your family). Although the book does not necessarily need to be read cover to cover, if readers are going through the book chronologically, the beginning chapters set the stage for the remainder of the book. There are also points of data, definitions, and QR codes with links to websites for further reading, which are sprinkled throughout the other chapters. Caregivers that seek to learn as much about the medical aspects of the disease are given a good amount of information to satisfy this desire, with options to learn more.

Caregiver Tips and Alerts

A similar feature in this book that was also included in the authors’ former title, are call-out blocks of copy with important pieces of information of which to either heed or beware. These blocks are a formatting design that is most helpful to time-pressed caregivers. If readers do not have the time to read this book cover to cover or want a fast way to glean the best ideas the book has to offer, they need only skim the pages and note the gray boxes of copy entitled “Caregiver Alert” or “Caregiver Tip.” From our observance, these sections offer the best of or Cliff Notes of each of the topic areas covered.

“We Have Been There” Stories/Anecdotes

It is evident from reading this book that the authors took great care in providing the perspectives and direct feedback of actual dementia caregivers who have “walked the talk.” No matter what stage of this journey you are on, it can be comforting and helpful to have a lens into what might be to come from a caregiver later in the journey or the hindsight counsel of someone who wishes they might have done things a different way, looking back. The excerpts that are a mix of stories, words of wisdom, and sentiments of comfort from actual caregivers are like a “support group” of friends at this challenging time, which can be so isolating.

A Comprehensive Topic List

Caregivers who reviewed this book in advance gave it a second title–“The Indispensable Guide”–for good reason. One cannot think of a topic important to caregivers that is not covered in some way within the pages of this book. From choosing medications to managing behaviors, from caregiver self-care to safety and legal matters, the topics covered, across the 22 chapters (in addition to the appendices) and the over 400 pages, are comprehensive. Caregivers save time and space by having all the information they need in one resource. Carry this book with you, mark the pages of importance, and jot down notes in the margins. This book is going to be an important tool in your dementia caregiving toolbox, which can help you through many days of uncertainty.

Every day as a caregiver will not be a challenge and there will be many moments of joy and confidence, which grow from your experiences over time. It is most important that no dementia caregiver be alone on this “uncertain journey.” With this newest book in your library, Alzheimer’s The Uncertain Journey: Navigating the Challenges, you will be equipped with information, ideas, experience-based advice, and background to be your loved one’s best dementia advocate.

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