Bite-Sized Moments of Joy Inspires a Generation of Caregivers

It is easy to see why Creating Moments of Joy has resonated so much and for so long with family caregivers.  

The idea of flipping the script on the challenges of everyday caregiving by cultivating joy through simple, thoughtful actions must have seemed like a radical one back when it was first published in 1999. Yet, Jolene Brackey’s wildly popular guide for caregivers along the Alzheimer’s journey has influenced a generation of both family caregivers and professional care providers.

The book—now in its 5th edition—is both practical and accessible. Users can read the book from cover to cover, peruse by section when time allows, or reference specific topics when they are top of mind. Each chapter is short—between two to four pages—and uses relatable descriptions and scenarios to help readers apply each theme to their own particular caregiving situations. Thus, it only takes moments to learn how to create new “moments” that could drastically improve your caregiving days.

The Power of Simple Joys

At the heart of Brackey’s philosophy is the idea that joy often surfaces from the simplest of moments, rather than grand gestures or planned activities. The emphasis is that joy can be created through purposeful everyday interactions and small acts of kindness that we all can encourage once we have adjusted our mindset.

Looking for the joy in your caregiving journey? Download the free St. John’s Joy Plan now.

Creating these moments of joy is by no means easy and Brackey insists that it requires a deep understanding of the person. By tuning into what is truly meaningful to those we care for we can craft experiences that resonate deeply and foster genuine happiness. Chapters like Remember Their Greatness, Music Does Wonders, and When in Doubt . . . Laugh each identify ways to reach into our loved ones’ histories and find prompts that can spark joy. The best part is that these joyful feelings can remain after the person’s memory of the moment has faded.    

Joy: A Ripple Effect

When caregivers and professionals create joyful moments, it not only benefits the individual directly but also positively impacts everybody around them. Joy has a contagious quality and creating and maintaining a positive environment can lift up everyone it touches. This ripple effect that joy can have is illustrated throughout the book.

Brackey’s approach encourages a shift in perspective—from focusing solely on the challenges of caregiving or navigating the health care system to recognizing and celebrating the potential for joy in every interaction. This mindset can lead to more fulfilling relationships and a more optimistic outlook on the caregiving experience.

Get Started Creating Moments of Joy

This book is perfectly formatted to help readers begin putting themes and strategies to work almost immediately. As Brackey describes in the How to Use This Book section, she suggests starting with a chapter title that resonates with you and to begin injecting joy into those simple moments throughout your day. “You will make mistakes,” Brackey writes. “Mistakes are treasures too because they teach you what not to do. With short-term memory loss, you get a lot of ‘do-overs.’”

For those considering reading Creating Moments of Joy for the first time this fall, a special four-session virtual community book club coordinated with the help of author Jolene Brackey begins in October. Register today for the book club and to see Jolene speak in Rochester, New York on Thursday, November 7 at Brickstone by St. John’s.

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