How can I help to support a friend of mine who is a caregiver? -Jennifer

How can I help to support a friend of mine who is a caregiver? -Jennifer Z.

Most caregivers are in need of support, but might be hesitant to ask. So a generic, “If I can do anything, call me” offer might not be taken. Suggest something specific that you know you can do. Often caregivers need a break, either to get things done or just get some time for themselves. Offer to come and visit with their person with dementia at a given time, or when they need to do a specific thing, like a doctor or hair appointment. If you can’t do that, then help them out with something that saves them some time or energy. Offer to run errands. Drop off a prepared meal.  Send a card or flowers so they know you think of them. Stay in touch and give them an ear to listen or shoulder to cry on when needed.